Teilnahme, Mitwirkende Danke schön Liste

KOINOBORI Projekt 2012

鯉のぼりプロジェクト2012/参加者、協力者 ありがとう名簿

KOINOBORI Projekt von pinepine

Takamatsu Taichirou

Nozomi Akamatsu

Kommunikationsplattform kokemoos

人がつながるネットワーク機関 コケ申す。

Hisa Enomoto

David Wilschek

Mamie Ueki

Johannes Lernpeis

Elfriede Penzinger

Benjammin Schoppmann

Norbert Breitenauer

Nordert Doubek

Vorbereitung – Deutsch/japanische text/ 準備ードイツ語/日本語訳 : Daniela+Martin Mautner Markhof, Heike Priwitzer, Lena Stangl, Elfriede Penzinger, Elisabeth Pohl, Aoi Tamura, Sakae Ozawa, Yuri/Sanae Enomoto

Hissenfest + Onigiri/ 掲揚フェスト+おにぎり

KOINOBORI Musik/ 鯉のぼり音楽 : Antoni

Kirschainfest/ 桜の森祭り: Bezirkvorstehnung Florisdorf (wien21.), MA49 forstamt der stadt Wien, Japanische Botschaft,

Künstler duo- to the woods – Fumiyo und Masahiro Moriguchi

Vorbereitung/ 準備 : Norbert Breitneuer, Johannes Wilhelm+Yoshiko, Glorian

KOINOBORI Theater/ 鯉のぼり演劇

Choreograph/振り付け : Johannes M. Lernpeiss, Benjamin Schoppmann

Bühneinszinierung/舞台技術 : Anais Meon

Musik/音楽 : Riho Hayashi

SchauspielerInnen/ 役者: 5 Kindern von Schulkollektiv von WUK Schul Kollektiv

Modeshow/ モードショー

Schneider Aushilfe/ 裁断援助 : Celene Venosa, Petra, Yoko Akazawa, Yuka Hirose, Nathalie Pelet, Mamie Ueki, Hirose

Frisur Schminken/ メイクアップ: Alma Schanzer, Ursula Stern,Viola

21 Models/ モデル21名 : teilweise Schülerinnen von 21. und 3. Bezirk Schulen, Aniko, Barbara Phillip, Elfriede Penzinger, Elisa, Heidulf Gerngross, Yuma Ueki, Mamie Ueki, Eileen Wabb Wackerle,Sophi, Paula

Lea Mautnar Markhof, Nabila El Daly, Katharina Losch, Hannnah Tenhalter, Vici,Katrin, Esin,Maria, Sarah

Schuhe Kooperation/ 靴の協賛 : rosamasa

Timekeeper/ タイムキーパー: Bernhard Stern

Konzert/ コンサート: Jörg + Roman + Paul

Kamera/ カメラ: David Wiltschek, Akram Alaharabi

Alte Koinobori Angebot/ リサイクル用への古い鯉のぼり援助 : Centre Cultuel Franco Japonais (パリ日仏文化センター)

Espace HATTORI (Founder of Koi Nobori Festival in France) Yuko Hattori

Unterstütztung von Atelier Arauco in WUK/WUKのアトリエaraucoからの援助:

Maria Schlinger, Paula Aguilera Pacheco, Amanda Sage

KOINOBORI von 27 KuenstlerInnen / 27名の鯉のぼり制作作家さん一覧

  • Andrea Marbach
  • Astrid Rausch http://astridrausch.blogspot.co.at/
  • Barbara Huser http://www.husar.tk/
  • Bartosz Sikorski http://www.bartoszsikorski.com/
  • Brunilda Castejon http://www.brunildacastejon.com/
  • Christina Hart-Prager http://medea.accm.at/christinahartlprager/
  • Claudia Charlotte Linda http://claudiaclinder.com/
  • Elfriede Penzinger http://elfriedepenzinger.blogspot.co.at/
  • Erwin Bohatsch http://www.erwinbohatsch.at/
  • Eva Bodar
  • Franz Riedl

  • Herbert Brandl http://www.herbertbrandl.com/
  • Hisa Enomoto http://hisaenomoto.blogspot.co.at/
  • Ingrid Mauthner http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ingrid-Mauthner/
  • Julia Maurer http://juliamaurer.blogspot.co.at/
  • Kyoko Adaniya-Baier http://kyoko.shingolabel.com/
  • Lukas Zallinger
  • Magdalena Makiela

  • Mami Chihara
  • Michael Hedwig http://www.michael-hedwig.at/
  • Nathalie Pelet http://nathaliepelet.wordpress.com/
  • Petter Haaland Bergli

  • Simina Badea http://siminabadea.blogspot.co.at/
  • Susanne Richter
  • Vesna Krasnec http://vesna-krasnec.com/F_S_Biographie.htm
  • Yukika Kudo http://komken.net/
  • Taichiro Takamatsu

Teilnahme/Kooperationen (関わった学校・機関・施設)

Japan / Fukushima, Miyagi (日本/福島、宮城)

  • 福島県いわき市立湯元第三小学校 Dritten Volksschule Yumoto, Iwaki / Fukushima

  • 福島県いわき市立湯元第三幼稚園 Dritten Kindergarten Yumoto, Iwaki / Fukushima

  • 福島県いわき市立四倉保育所   Kindergarten Yotsukura, Iwaki /Fukushima

  • 福島県いわき市中央台仮設住宅地区  Provisorische Wohnung Chuoudai, Iwaki / Fukushima

  • 宮城県気仙沼市若草幼稚園   Kindergarten Wkakusa, Kesennuma / Miyagi

  • 宮城県気仙沼市唐桑幼稚園   Kindergarten Karakuwa, Kesennuma / Miyagi

  • 宮城県気仙沼市松圃幼稚園   Kindergarten Matsubatake, Kesennuma /Miyagi

  • 宮城県気仙沼市小原木保育園   Kindergarten Owaragi, Kesennuma / Miyagi

  • 宮城県気仙沼市小原木仮設住宅  Provisorische Wohnung Owaragi, Kessenima / Miyagi

  • 宮城県気仙沼市旧唐桑小学校仮設住宅 Provisiorische Wohnung Karakuwa alte Volksschule, Kesennuma / Miyagi

宮城県気仙沼市松圃幼稚園   Kindergarten Matsubatake, Kesennuma /Miyagi

園長先生 白幡 育郎様

Hilfsorganisation NPO/ 救援団体: EARTH

Wien/Austria (ウィーン/オーストリア)

  • WUK Sculkollektiv Uli Michaela

  • Volksschule der Stadt Wien, Börsegasse Barbara Phillip

  • Volksschule der Stadt Wien, Hanreitergasse Nahtalie Pelet

  • Vienna International School Laura Nitsche

  • The children’s House International Montessori Kindergarten Daniel

  • Kindergruppe Mobile Margaretenstrasse Susanne Richter

  • GRG3 Kundmanngasse Kay Walkowiak

  • Volksschule der Stadt Wien, Wilhelm Kressplatz -Claudia Büchelhofer

Unterstützung und Kooperationen/ ご援助とご協力

  • Öterreichishe Galerie Belvedere / Atelier -Susa Cerepak

  • Kunsthistrisches Museum / Atelier – Andreas Zimmermann

  • Japanologie Studenten an der Universität Wien (ウィーン大学日本学専攻)

  • Universität für angewandte Künst Wien (ウィーン応用美術大学) Zuzana Ernst, Anais Moen

  • Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien (造形美術アカデミー)Susanne Richter, Rudorf Weisgrab

  • WUK KinderKultur

  • WUK Werkstätten und Kultur Haus

  • Textil Müller (生地店)

  • NIPPONYA (日本屋Ayumi Kondo

  • H.I.S Austria Travel GmbH (HISウィーン支店)

  • Kultur Kontakt

  • 3. und 9. Bezirk Subventionen

Koinobori Project- Englisch Version


“No one is an island” – the Koinobori project from the culture and communication association

Kokemoos and artist team Pinepine is active in Austria, Japan and Syria.

 “Koinobori – is a Japanese children’s day celebration where colorfully painted fabric koi fish (carp) are hoisted on bamboo poles. The koi fish is able, according to a Chinese legend, to jump against the flow of the waterfall upstream. It symbolises the healthy and vigorous growth of the child.”


The Koinobori project was launched in the 2011/2012 Winter by the artist duo Pinepine in Fukushima, Japan, in the form of children’s workshops. In Spring 2012, the culture communication platform Kokemoos was founded by a group of international artists in Vienna to initiate international projects.

 What has happened so far?

In 2012, Pinepine were invited with their Koinobori project to Vienna as “Artists in Residence” by Kokemoos. Through the project, more than 400 children in 20 plus workshops, engaged in hand crafts, painting and sewing, hundreds of koinobori flags as a symbol of understanding and compassion for the 2011 tsunami disaster in Japan.

A Syrian friend of Kokemoos members, brought the group into contact with the Association for Arabian Women. This introduction enabled the opportunity for the Koinobori project in 2013, to travel to a refugee camp in Turkey bordering Syria. Here the Koinobori project was again staged as a compassionate cultural interaction.

Koinobori is aimed at everyone – but especially those people whose life is currently marked with suffering. The political disaster in Syria and the tsunami and radiation victims in Japan Fukushima, Miyagi are two current examples of those difficulties in which people have to struggle everyday. Koinobori project is dedicated to these people.

Everybody experiences some form of problems or difficulties, even in Western countries such Austria.

The results of the collaborative project work from the visited locations, will be presented in various forms around Vienna, with the aim of expressing, best wishes, solidarity, inspiration and hope, for the rediscovery of a normal life.

Let us consider:

  • What is important in life?

  • How can we overcome our difficulties?

  • What positive actions can our generation take?

The project exists to make a difference the lives of the people of Japan and Syria, but at the same time the project supporters and workers. We hope for positive change, for the lives of all it touches.